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You will get your room number and doorcode when you have filled in guest details and done the digital check-in. Information is filled in by clicking on the link in message you received by email or SMS, or by logging into My bookings page on Omena website or Omena app.

Room number and doorcode are sent by email and SMS to all guests with details added to the booking latest  8 hours before the booking starts.

If you haven’t received email or SMS before arriving at hotel, please make sure guest details are added to the booking, and digital check-in is completed.

Sometimes there is a spelling mistake in contact details. Omena customer service will help you at tel (+358 0) 600 555222 (€0.79/min + lnc) or or using the free guest phone in lobby.

In the message with room number and door code, there is letter A or B in front of the room number. This tells you in which building your room is: You access building A from the street and B is situated at the back of the courtyard.

Did you arrive early and want to leave your bags at hotel? You can easily extend your booking and access your room early, even in the morning, or buy buy later departure. Depending on availability,

You can buy early arrival by logging into My bookings page on Omena website or Omena app, or by clicking on the relevant link in booking confirmation.

You received your door code, but it doesn’t work? Door codes are activated automatically at the start of your booking at 4 pm, if you did not buy an early arrival.

If your booking has already started and door code does not work, you need to contact Omena customer service. Call (+358 0) 600 555 222 (€0.79/min + lnc) or using the free guest phone in lobby.

In the room

In the room

Check-in at 4 pm

You can buy early arrival by logging into My bookings page on Omena website or Omena app, or by clicking on the relevant link in booking confirmation.

Check-out at 12 pm (noon)

Do you want to sleep in? Before your reservation ends, you can buy late departure by logging into your booking at My bookings page, in the Omena app or by clicking the relevant link in the booking confirmation.

Did you book an extra bed? Here are the instructions for setting up the extra bed. Please note that there are two types of beds, see the instruction picture corresponding to your bed.

Pillow and duvet for the extra bed are inside the cushion on top of the extra bed.

Lisävuoteen tyyny ja peitto

Extra sheets and towels are in the room.

Lakanat hyllyllä

Did you arrive early at the hotel and want to leave your bags at the hotel before hitting the town? Omena has no baggage storage, but you can easily extend your booking and access your room early, even in the morning. You can also extend your departure until 2 pm.  Depending on availability,

You can buy early arrival or late departure by logging into My bookings page on Omena website or Omena app, or by clicking on the relevant link in booking confirmation.

Any questions? Please contact Omena customer service 24/7 tel. (+358 0) 600 555222 (0,79 €/min + lnc) or by using the free guest phone in lobby. With less urgent matters, please email us at

Please give feedback here or respond to the survey sent to you after your stay.

Here are the Frequently Asked Question.

It is strictly forbidden to smoke or use electronic cigarettes or lighting candles inside the hotel. Omena is a smoke free hotel, so the cigarette you have in the room may well be the most expensive smoke of your life, as we charge 200 € + expenses for smoking in the room. You are welcome do it outside, designated smoking area is in the courtyard.

Did you buy breakfast with your booking? Our partner cafe BärBar at Fredrikinkatu 30 serves their delicious breakfast Mon-Fri 8 am to 6 pm, Sat 8.30 am to 4 pm and Sun 8.30 am to 2 pm. Get your breakfast by giving your name and room number at the cafe.

If you did not pre-order breakfast, you can buy it at the partner cafe, or at any other cafe in town. Why not have whatever you want in your own hotel room with complimentary coffee and tea? Or if you want to pamper yourself you can order in any delivery from Wolt or Foodora.

In every Omena room you will find microwave oven, mini fridge, kettle, hair dryer, coffee, tea, sugar and creamer.

Is something missing in your room? Please contact Omena customer service 24/7 tel. (+358 0) 600 555222 (€0,79/min + lnc) or by using the free guest phone in the lobby.

The room will be cleaned at the end of each booking, and every five days with longer bookings. We save a lof of water, energy and detergent by not washing almost clean laundry. You don’t change sheets and towels every day at home either, do you?

You can take your rubbish to the recycling bins in the lobby during the day (9 am to 3 pm). There you can sort plastic, cardboard, bio waste and general waste.

Reservation guide

Reservation guide

You will get your room number and doorcode when you have filled in guest details and done the digital check-in. Information is filled in by clicking on the link in message you received by email or SMS, or by logging into “My bookings” on Omena website or Omena app.

Room number and doorcode are sent by email and SMS to all guests with details added to the booking 8 hours before the booking starts.

If you haven’t received email or SMS before arriving at hotel, please make sure guest details are added to the booking, and digital check-in is completed.

Sometimes there is a spelling mistake in contact details. Omena customer service will help you at tel (+358 0) 600 555222 (0,79 €/min + lnc) or or use the free guest phone in lobby.

Do you want to extend your stay? You can extend your booking here until your reservation ends (12pm or 2pm) or by contacting Omena customer service. Call (+358 0) 600 555 222 (0,79 €/min + lnc) or use the free guest phone in lobby. After your booking ends, if you made a new reservation, please note that your room number might change, and your door code will not work between bookings.

You can buy early arrival by logging into “My bookings” on Omena website or Omena app, or by clicking on the relevant link in booking confirmation.



Omena is a smoke free hotel. There is a designated smoking area in the courtyard.

It is strictly forbidden to smoke, incl. electronic cigarettes, or light candles, in the room. We will charge 200 € + expenses for smoking in the room. So before you light up, think if you rather spent the money on concert tickets or a nice dinner for you and a friend. You’ll have money for nice things when you leave the room and smoke outside, avoiding the smoking fine of 200 €.

At Omena, there is an automated fire detection system and a sprinkler system. In the event of an alarm, we will guide you through the room tv.

The nearest emergency exit is marked with lit exit signs. Emergency evacuation guide is on the room door.

In the common areas of the hotel, you will find fire extinguishers and fire hydrants. Using the fire extinguishing equipment other than in an emergency is forbidden.

At Omena, we have planned our security details together with security professionals. Fire detection system is automated, so a possible fire alarm goes directly to emergency centre. In case of an alarm, the fire bells at the hotel start ringing, the tv in your room turns itself on and you get guidance on the screen.

There is an evacuation plan on your room door to help you locate the nearest emergency exit.

We take care of your safety with unique, booking-specific door codes, 24/7 CCTV and manned security. In all situations of disturbance, please contact Omena helpdesk by phone at (+358 0) 20 555222 (0,79 €/min + lnc) or by using the free guest phone in lobby.

There is a 24/7 recording CCTV system in all common areas at the hotel.

Sleep and let others sleep too – enjoy your stay and let others enjoy theirs as well.



Omena Hotels is certified as an eco-conscious hotel chain. We have Ekokompassi and Sustainable Travel Finland certificates as sing of our environmental program and efforts towards more sustainable travel. Omena is a smart choice when you want as low a carbon footprint as possible, when you travel. The carbon footprint of one night at Omena is 3.7 kg CO2e/room/night, being one of the lowest in Finnish travel industry. In the footprint calculations, we have calculated also the emissions of our value chain, on top of our own direct emissions (Scope 1,2 and 3).

You can sort your rubbish at Omena like you do at home: in your room there are separate bin bags for general and bio waste. Please leave bottles and cardboard next to the bin, as due to safety reasons, staff can’t sort out rubbish already inside the bin.

Recycling bins are at your disposal from 9 am to 3 pm (when cleaning staff is at the hotel), and you can sort your plastics, cardboard, bio and general rubbish in the lobby. In lobby A, recycling point is next to the vending machine and in lobby B, next to the elevators. Thank you for helping us to reduce our waste!

Recycling point

When you stay at Omena for longer, we will clean your room every 5 days to save detergent, water and energy. When we clean the room we also take out rubbish, and change sheets and towels.

Fresh from the shower is a great feeling! Please turn off the tap when you’re shampooing or brushing your teeth to save water. Even though all electricity at Omena is from renewable sources, we ask you to turn off the lights and tv when you leave your room. Environment thanks you!

We want to do our part to reduce the amount of plastic waste in the world, so we no longer offer plastic cups or utensils. Also, instead of buying bottled water, we recommend drinking tap water – Finnish tap water is the best in the world!